
August 2, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Green
Series: N/A
Release Date: January 10, 2012
Pages: 318
Review by: Max

Reading the beginning of this review, you're probably (No guarantees here. I'm definitely not a mind reader.) thinking one of three things. You could A: be excited because TFiOS is one of your favorite books or you're dying to hear someone's opinions on it B: Roll your eyes and stop reading approximately...here because you think this book is over-hyped or it's too mainstream for you or maybe you're just a little skeptical about reading it or C: Have no idea who the heck John Green and you've never heard of TFiOS.

This review is directed towards all of you.

Anyway, this book is about a girl named Hazel. She meets a boy, falls in love. Typical YA stuff.
Except there's a little problem.
Hazel has cancer. And so did the boy she's in love with, Augustus.

This isn't a book about cancer. This is a book about love. This is about teenagers and metaphors and Venn Diagrams and about a book called An Internal Affliction and what's it's like to actually live in the moment (because, you know, YOLO). This is a book that will get you right in the feels, but it will also make you laugh and smile and wonder about things in ways you haven't before.

TFiOS is poetic, hilarious, tear-jerking, and truly wonderful. And if it's something that doesn't sound appealing to you, well, I don't know what will.

Before you read this 316-page brilliance (or after. Or between. Whenever you want to, really) I have some links that will....enhance, your reading experience.

Here's a music video about this book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqG55HdmKTE.
It's the book in a song, basically.
Also, you should check out John Green's YouTube channel (or channels, I should say.) Start out with vlogbrothers.

IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK PLEASE STOP READING THE REVIEW HERE. Unless you already know FOR SURE how it ends. Otherwise, this wonderful book will be spoiled and I don't think you want that now you do?
Hazel was a great protagonist. I loved her personality, even in the beginning of the book when she was a little....depressed, I guess. As her relationship with Augustus developed, I think she developed more as a person. I think Green wrote from a girl's point of view AMAZINGLY, and Hazel is a character that I would love to see more even though I'm pretty sure there's not going to be a sequel.

Augustus or Gus or whatever you want to call him was perfection. He had a way with words and as Hazel falls in love with him, so does the reader, in most cases. I was honestly upset when he died, even though I was totally expecting it. When he told Hazel he 'lit up like a Christmas tree' I was upset for more than one reason. One: Augustus is one of my all-time favorite characters. And two: I won't be able to think of Christmas trees as happy anymore.

There are so many beautiful quotes from this book. I wasn't expecting this book to be as beautiful as it was. For example:

“ 'Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them,' I said.

'Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.'"


“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”  

By the way, that's how I felt about this book.

I loved this book and I think that you will too. Please don't deny yourselves the simple pleasure of reading this book because I promise, you'll remember it forever.

Fly on,

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