
July 4, 2014

Now on Bloglovin'!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

As our blog grows, we are trying to keep up with our reviews. We are also trying to make it easier for all of our wonderful readers to find our latest and greatest updates. So far, the Facebook page and the Pinterest accounts are both doing great. If you have not checked them out yet, the buttons are on the sidebar. We regularly update our accounts with our reviews, giveaways, and other bookish news that we find interesting, so you should follow us on all of them!

Recently, I discovered an awesome (and addicting) website to help me keep track of all of the blogs that I follow -- Bloglovin'.

Basically, it is like Facebook, but for blogs. You can follow all of your favorite blogs and find new, amazing ones to follow, too. Then, all of the updates from your blogs are put into one newsfeed so that you can easily find the posts that you want to read. Also, you can save posts to read for later and other useful options. It is a blogger's dream-come-true.

If you are a fellow blogger, I highly recommend Bloglovin'. Everything you need is in one feed and it opens up a new way for your readers to see your posts. So, leave your Bloglovin' account below in the comments, I will make sure to stop by and follow you.