July 18, 2014

The Friday 56 #10

The Friday 56

This is a weekly meme hosted over at Freda's Voice.

The rules are simple-- grab the book you are currently reading and turn to page 56 (or 56% of your e-reader). Then copy a few sentences and post them.

These are the books we are currently reading and a snippet of page 56.

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
"A hot bath was a luxury I'd only dreamed about in the Fringe. People said they existed, machines that heated water so that it came out at whatever temperature you wanted. I'd never seen one, myself. But Zeke shook his head."

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)

Reboot by Amy Tintera
"She collasped flat on her back, whimpering slightly. I sat down on my bed, looking at the door. The humans must have been on their way."

Reboot (Reboot, #1)

The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis
Umm...there's just a picture, so... I think it's better than words for this book. Here ya go!
(Sorry about the quality. It was on my phone and the iPhone 4 doesn't take very good pictures. :'( )


  1. I am curious about Reboot! If, "The humans must have been on their way," then who/what is the book about!? Robots? Aliens? I'm going to look into this book for sure! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. These sound interesting. I'm definitely sure I don't want to live in a world where a hot bath is considered a myth!

  3. I have The Immortal Rules but need to start it.
    Reboot sounds exciting!

    Happy weekend!
