July 22, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #9: Characters We Would Want to be on a Deserted Island With

This is a weekly meme hosted by the amazing girls at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's theme is the characters we would want to be with on a deserted island. (That's a mouthful.)

Cassia, Max, and I were enjoying our trip to Hawaii, but we were spending most of the trip inside our hotel room. So, Cassia came up with a brilliant idea, "We should go on a boat tour of the islands."
"Sure," I said. "Let me book a tour at the desk."
Ten minutes later, after an exchausting walk to the lobby, I returned.
"Well," I sighed. "It turns out the next available tour is next week, after we leave."
"Really?" Cassia exclaimed.
"Who needs a guide?" Max said. "All we need is a boat, I can take care of the rest."
"When did you learn how to drive a boat?" I asked.
"Just trust me," Max said.
"Oh, no," I groaned.

The next day.....

"Woohoo! This is a great day for a boat trip, don't you think?" Cassia shouted into the wind.
"I guess," I said. I could not tell if the butterflies in my stomach were from sea sickness or Max's careless driving.
"Calm down, I've got this under control," Max said just as she turned into our first island. It was beautiful and secluded -- the perfect place for our beach picnic.
"Wow," Cassia said while getting out of the boat. "It is so peaceful and quiet. Much better than the crowded beach at the hotel."
We peacefully ate our lunch among the coconut trees, but it was soon time to go. Max went to start up  the boat, but it did not make any noise. The engine was dead and we were stranded.

After Max said a myriad of creative words, we started to panic. We are just three bookworms who have no idea how to live in the real world. How are we supposed to survive this? But, just as thoughts of giving up starting going through our heads, a figure emerges on the horizon. Who is it? Who do we hope it is?

1. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games: She's had similar experiences, so she'd know what to do to help the three of us survive.
2. Harry Potter from Harry Potter: He's also been through a lot and he's also got some wicked magical powers that I can foresee coming in handy.
3. Tarver from These Broken Stars: If he was able to survive on a deserted planet he knew nothing about, I think he'd be able to help us out on some regular island.


4. Four (Tobias) from Divergent: He is Dauntless, being on a deserted island is a piece of chocolate cake for him.
5. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter: First, she has magic. Second, she knows, like everything. Third, she is awesome.
6. Gale Hawthorne from The Hunger Games: He is pretty much the best hunter (besides Katniss) in YA. He also knows about plants and such too.

7. Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices: Knows what he's doing, and looks extremely good while doing it.
 8. Tris Prior from Divergent: Do I even need to say anything?
9. Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson: Hello, his dad is Poseidon. We can ride on dolphins to safety! And hopefully he can get us some food.


  1. Great picks! Will would be fun to hang out with ;) Tarver, Katniss, and Gale would be your best bets for survival I think.

    1. Katniss is probably the only one who has the patience to deal with all of us, too. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hermione!! Good choice and so is Percy Jackson!

    1. Thanks! We figured that if we were surrounded by water, then having the son of Poseidon would be a good idea :)

  3. Great list! I've got Tarver on mine as well. I've only read one of the books but I can imagine they would make a great team to survive on the dreaded island. Thanks for sharing and have a great week My TTT

    1. I agree! Compared to surviving on a different planet, an island should be easy for Tarver.

  4. Awesome list! We have Hermione, Katniss, and Percy on our list as well! I didn't even think about Four. He would make great eye candy anywhere.lol
    Here's our TTT

    1. Four is good at surviving too, but he is very attractive...... :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I think Katniss made most people's lists today. And why shouldn't she?

    1. I think we would all be lost without Katniss.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Great list - love the idea of Percy and the dolphins

    1. Forget about the dolphins, I would love swimming with only Percy :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Just wanted to say thank you for your lovely comment on my first ever post over on my blog (ablondelibrarian.blogspot.com) - I really appreciate it :) Love this post, definitely going to start joining in with this one :) x
