September 22, 2014

The Seven Deadly Sins Tag

Hi everybody! Cassia here! Sorry you haven't seen much of me for a while, my life's been hectic, to say the least. I'm making an effort to do more in the fall, starting now. ;) I've got a review coming, and a new meme I'll be doing, so keep an eye out for that.

So, since I haven't been doing much lately, I've decided to do this tag. Thanks again to Gloria Lo @ Gloria the Violinist for tagging us!

1. Greed~ What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?
Most inexpensive that I can recall is Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick ($5 at Target), and the most expensive would be The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen ($20 at Books-a-Million, and I bought it right after it came out).


2. Wrath~ What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
I don't really have a love/hate relationship with any author, but if I had to pick one it would be Veronica Roth. I love her writing, she's one of my favorite authors, and I would read anything she wrote, but that ending to Allegiant...still can't get over it.


3. Gluttony~ What book have you devoured over and over again with no shame?
Wicked Lovely and Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr. Without question.


4. Sloth~ What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
There are lots of those. See, I have a habit of buying books, putting them on my bookshelf (which is organized alphabetically by author's last name), and then forgetting I ever bought it. The one I have neglected the most is probably Switched by Amanda Hocking. 

5. Pride~ What book do you talk about most in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
I don't really do this a lot, actually. But if I had to pick one it would be Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It's sci-fi and along with technology stuff, there's a lot of psychology, so it makes me feel smarter to talk about it.

6. Lust~ What attributes do you find attractive in male characters?
Oooh, I like this one. :D Hmm...I usually go for the bad boys in books: tortured, moody, passionate, broken. As for physical attributes--(usually) dark hair, green or blue or brown eyes, basically Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.

[I don't really have a picture for this one, so picture one of these three: Seth from Wicked Lovely, Four from Divergent (but not Theo James), or Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices. Okay, mainly Will. ;)] 

7. Envy~ What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
This changes, but right now it's City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare, and all of the TMI books. I haven't bought it because (1) it's expensive and (2) it's big and I don't want to get it from the library and be rushed to finish it.

I'm tagging Beatrice M @ Confessions of a Pinay Bookaholic and Erin @ The Hardcover Lover. Have fun!

Goodbye for now,


  1. Nice post! I know what you mean about checking books out from the library; even though I usually should be able to finish several books in the allotted 3 weeks, I just feel a little rushed because I know there's a deadline xD
    And I also agree about Allegiant. THAT ENDING. I'm writing my own Seven Deadly Sins Tag which will be published soon, hopefully, and I think Veronica Roth is going to be my wrath choice as well, haha.

    --Connie @ The YA Book Thief

    1. At some point during the summer, I started reading a lot slower, and I have no idea why, so I'm trying really hard to read faster. ;)
      I'll check it out when you have it up! Just reply to this comment with the link and I'll look. :) Thanks for commenting!

    2. Ahh I feel you about the ending in Allegiant ... but I was a little over the series though.

  2. This is a fun meme! I found you at the Between My Lines link-up, and I love your blog's layout!

    1. Thanks! It took us a long time to finally decide on a theme, so I am glad that you like it! (Not to mention the maze of html that it took) I hope the Between My Lines link-up becomes weekly, because I have met so many new bloggers already.

  3. Thank you for tagging me! I'm so sorry for the late response because I've been busy lately. I will definitely do this and will let you know ASAP. :)

  4. PS. I posted my response on your tag. ;)
