
August 15, 2014

The Friday 56 #14

The Friday 56

This is a weekly meme hosted over at Freda's Voice.

The rules are simple-- grab the book you are currently reading and turn to page 56 (or 56% of your e-reader). Then copy a few sentences and post them.

These are the books we are currently reading and a snippet of page 56.

Four: A Divergent Story Collection by Veronica Roth

"I almost lost my first fight, against the Amity girl, Mia. I didn't know how to beat her without hitting her, and I couldn't hit her--at least, not until she had me in a choke hold and my vision was starting to go black at the edges."

Four: A Divergent Story Collection (Divergent, #0.1 - 0.4)


The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
"As for her father, she let him live-- weak, useless man that he'd always been. After the murder of his beloved Theodora, Tyman went insane, chatting to his dead wife and shuffling aimlessly through the palace."
The Looking Glass Wars (The Looking Glass Wars, #1)

(Page 112 again. Hard to get into this one. I love Holly Black, and I do like it, I'm just not a vampire person. Review to come.)

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black 

"Sometimes it seemed as though all her life was already used up in that dark basement, as if her mother's mouth on Tana's arm was the last thing in her life before this that had felt real. Everything else was just prologue and epilogue." 
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown


  1. I want to read all of those books!
    Happy weekend!

  2. All of these sound really good. Especially Four and Coldest Girl in Coldtown! I love Holly Black.
    Here is my 56 - http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/08/15/the-friday-56-32-waking-the-merrow-by-heather-rigney-not-so-nice-mermaids/

    1. I love Holly Black too! I have read almost all of her books, but Coldest Girl in Coldtown is one of my favorites.

  3. I am glad that you like them. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. These words are so good. They make me want to go to the library and get a pile of YAs.
